time to time, you may feel ill. We have staff trained in your home
to know what to do if you feel sick. You may stay home from your
work, or you may need to see your doctor. We will do all we can
to help you feel better.
If you need to go to
a hospital, staff will take you, or make certain you arrive there
safely, and will stay with you for as long as needed. Your house
director will tell your family and/or guardian if you are in the
hospital, or if you are really sick.
If you take medications,
they must be ordered by your doctor or your dentist. This applies
to prescription as well as over the counter drugs.
You will be trained by
staff in self-medication after your doctor indicates you can receive
the training. Supervision, training, and/or oversight of your self-medication
program will be provided by staff persons working at the home.
We will make certain
all of your medications are stored correctly, and we will also make
certain staff are trained to help you with your self-medication.
If you live in an ICF/DD,
the nurse may see you on a monthly basis to make sure you are well.
It is important to us
that you are healthy and well, and we will do all we can to meet
any medical needs you may have.
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