This is an important
area, and we want you to be satisfied with what you eat!
During the week, you will receive a breakfast and dinner at home.
You will take your lunch to the day program, or to your community
job site. You will get three hot meals on weekends.
We want you to learn how to cook and take care of yourself in the
kitchen, so we may have you on a goal to learn those skills. You
will be supervised in the kitchen so that all goes well.
If you live in an ICF/DD, a CRA, or a CILA home, a dietitian will
make certain staff know about the proper nutrition you need.
You do not have to pay for your food.
If you live in a CILA or CRA home, you are eligible for food stamps.
The director of the home will help you with your food stamps applications.
If you have special foods which you want to eat or do not want
to eat due to your religious beliefs, we want to know that so we
can assist you with your food choices.
If you want to store food in tin containers in your room, just
ask the house director so that we can make certain your food is
stored properly and safely. Some foods may need to be stored for
you in the home’s kitchen, and some foods you may be able
to keep in your own room.
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