How can I get someone placed into one of your homes?
First, our company needs to review information about the individual: what is his or her diagnoses, IQ score, medical needs, psychological needs, physical needs, etc. In order to determine if our company can serve those specific needs, wishes and desires, it is necessary to review a pre-admission packet of information that has been assembled by the local Pre-Admission Screening agency. This Pre-Admission Screening agency, or PAS agency, needs to be the first call made in order to make certain the person meets all state and federal criteria for possible admission into one of our homes. You may either call at 800-880-6571, or you may contact the Illinois Department of Human Services for the PAS office nearest you.

Once this packet of information has been gathered by the PAS agent and sent at
Alan G Ryle Companies
4102 Belmont Point
Champaign, IL 61822
Fax # (217)398-0944

Someone from our company will contact either you or the PAS agent regarding the individual.

Next, if this company thinks the person might do well in one of our homes, we will arrange a screening to meet the individual needing residential services, and to allow that person and those who support him or her to ask questions. If possible, the individual and his/her support persons go to the home with the vacancy in order to see the potential home, meet the other persons who live there, ask questions, etc. If a trip to the home is not possible, then we will send our staff to wherever that person lives.

Then, if the individual wishes to try living in the home with the vacancy, and if this company feels that person’s needs and wishes could be met, a pre-admission visit is arranged. This pre-admission visit is a time to try out living in the home to see if there is a mutual agreement that needs, wishes and desires can be met.

Lastly, if the pre-admission visit has gone well, then admission is discussed. For persons who qualify to live in one of our eight-bed CILA home, our staff must use the information generated by the PAS agent, and submit forms to the Illinois Department of Human Services in order to receive funding for residential services. For persons who qualify to move into an ICF/DD sixteen-bed home, admission is coordinated by that home’s administrator.
If you have any other questions regarding placement into one of our homes please call 1-800-880-6571


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