days after you move into your new home, there will be a meeting
with people you invite and who are interested in how you do in your
new home. These people, including you and your guardian/advocate
if you have one will decide the goal areas you will work on while
you are living in the home.
Before the meeting, we
will ask you, your guardian, or an associate to list the things
that are important to you in your life. We will want to know what
you like and dislike, the things you enjoy about your home and work,
and the things you may want to change about your life. This is called
a person-centered approach to forming your program plan.
Goals which you and your
team may decide for you to work on can include such things as learning
how to rinse the shampoo from your hair, learning how to manage
your money, or take your own medications, learning how to keep your
room clean, or how to do your own laundry.
Until you learn a skill
for yourself, staff will help you when you need help or assistance.
These goals are called
your Individual Service Plan if you are in a CILA house, or your
Individualized Program Plan if you live in an ICF/DD home. Each
month the director of your home will look at your plan to see how
you are doing. The director may have a conversation with you about
your progress.
We will help you to learn
new skills and become more independent in your life. We also will
help you to keep the skills you already have.
We get really excited
when you learn something new for yourself, and we think you will,
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