will give you help with your money management to the extent that
you need help.
We may help you decide
what you want to buy, or how you want to pay for something. You
will have personal spending money taken from your own funds.
We will help you keep
an interest-bearing personal savings account. If you are ready for
a checking account, we will help you with that, too.
If you want to keep your
own spending money, we will help you keep track of it. If you want
us to lock your money in a safe place, we will do that for you.
We will always keep a
record of your personal funds account, and will mark down each time
you put money into your account, or take money out of your account.
We will keep a receipt
of all you buy, and you and/or your guardian will get a record of
your money transactions on a quarterly basis. Any time you want
someone to explain to you about your money, just ask.
If you live in a CILA
program, you will get Social Security money and possibly food stamps
each month along with any money from your jobs or day program.
If you live in an ICF/DD
group home, you will receive $30.00 each month from your SSI monies.
The rest of your SSI monies will go to for the cost of your care.
This is a state regulation which we must follow.
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