We want you to have good,
healthy fun in our homes, and we will make certain you are active
in your community.
Sometimes you may go out in your community by yourself or with
another staff, depending on your program. Sometimes, too, you will
go on outings with a group of your friends and persons who live
with you.
We will ask you to help us decide what activities you would like
to do, and we will try to make certain you are able to do some of
these activities. We can help you to save money to join in with
a special activity.
Some of the recreational activities you may choose include bowling,
swimming, walking, going on picnics, going to parks, going to baseball,
softball, or basketball games, being a member of a local organization,
going to Bingo, or taking an exercise class. Usually you will pay
for any outing from your funds. This will be discussed with you
at the time you make out your weekly budget plans.
We think it is important for you to be an active member of your
community! Let us know if there is something you would like to do.
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